
Christmas in August

I started this project back in November 2009. I thought it would be a GREAT idea for a Christmas present that year. Well...it turned out to be more of a project than expected and I was FINALLY able to complete it and ship it off the it's amazing recipient last week. Here's what I based it off:

And this is what I did:

Here's a closer view:

I'm extremely proud. After I was about 2-3 weeks in to this project I stopped working on it because I was afraid it would turn out the way I envisioned in my head. It turned out exactly the way I'd hoped. Even the frame turned out exactly as I wanted.

I'd say my embroidery has come along way since I was 10:


Jess said...

that is sooooo awesome!

Stitchify said...

It looks *GREAT* Rijel
<3 Julie