
A gentleman caller...

I don't know how it happened, but somewhere in this madness of me doing most absolutely nothing, I forgot to mention that there is a new love in my life. He's there, to your right, making kissy faces at Nige Nige. Perhaps he was trying to prove his worth, perhaps he's actually a she. I'm not sure yet, I've yet to actually meet this new love, let alone give it a name. I'm pretty sure it's a girl. I'm sure I'll have to converse with Nigel. See if he plans on having a hetero partner for a while. Or Kip. Kip's gotten to know it pretty well lately.

In knee news, I am still doing 90 degrees. I've been at 90 for 4 days now and I think I'm gonna go for it and do 95 tomorrow. The doc said I can progressively go up to 105 if I feel up to it. I'm also at -2 for the extension, which I started doing last night. I took the tape off this morning and man it's ugly. Since there's still a bit of swelling, when my knee is bent the scar isn't straight, it looks like the doc took a few swigs before he started cutting. When my knee is extended, you can tell it's a pretty fabulous cut. I just need to wait for the swelling to be completely gone. I uploaded some photos of the dimples the stitches have created. It looks like the surface of a golf ball right around the scar. The damned thing looks a lot worse than it feels too. I still can't feel anything left of the scar. It's completely numb. It's cool...but I'm worried I'll damage it because I can't feel it.

I keep meaning to go to sleep much earlier than I do. There's something about being tired at 2 or 3 that seems incredibly overrated nowadays. 6am is the new 2am.

1 comment:

Nate B. said...

Speaking of docs that took a few swigs...When I was ten my Dad took us to his boss' house to watch the Superbowl. During halftime my Dad's boss popped in a video of his knee surgery where right in the middle of the surgery you can hear the surgeon says, "Whoops!".