

I got mine.  I have not taken pictures of them because I'm reh-tahded, but probably will soon.

I haven't been updating as much as I'd like...or should.  I think this thing helps keep me somewhat sane and on a positive mental status.  I'm thinking of taking on yet another project, but I'll have to see how I can even fit it in my schedule as it is.  I still have 2k9 Christmas gifts to finish (yeah...really).

The 19th is creeping up fast.  I'm hardly worried about it; it seems all too routine.

2010 is bringing a lot of difficult things to the table and I'm trying my best to get by without too many pity parties.  If anything, I think I'm going to keep them to once a month at MOST.  Luckily the way I rung in the new year seems to have been the best possible thing for me.  I NEED to get back to hanging out and back to my sociable self; this ish is ridic.

I also need to stop reading silly blogs that I misconstrue into a selfish manner and make excerpts in the post partially about myself.  Then again...maybe not.  I like drama sometimes...especially when it's not quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite my own.  After all, I'm still a girl.

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